Friday, March 7, 2014

Best ways to Optimize twitter profile

Best ways to Optimize twitter profile
The twitter page helps you to market products and publicize in a unique way. No matter you prefer twitter or not the marketing ability of theta website has never been questioned. But it is important to have a good profile in twitter else you power can diminish. This article puts light in various ways that can optimize the twitter profile. This in turn will help to gather or draw new customers and followers and draw the traffic. Here are some ways:
•    Publicize using a proper Header image
Having an image or a normal header Image alongside details is not sufficient. For the purpose of getting the best results it is important to have images or that can properly present your business or marketing abilities. This is quite similar to the one having in Facebook pages. Try out different software or even Photoshop to design such header images with your logo or brand name included. Put some of the tags in the top so that followers can get a good appeal from your page. It makes you page quite attractive and at the same time advertise the page as well.
•    Get a good profile picture
May be these are small aspects but impacts a lot. So make sure you take full acre with such steps. The profile picture is very important and should reflect your business. It should be constant and a good one. It is always preferable to have the brand’s logo or an identity symbol that represents your business. Live pictures are not suitable rather use press pictures that are of high resolution.
•    Details
In twitter you can use maximum of 160 characters to express your brand so make sure you get the best out of it. Try adding your details several links of your pages, brand name and genres. This can help your business and enterprise to grow and promote effectively.
•    Links and Location
Location should be simple and basic whereas the link should direct the follower to your website or the blog. This can help them to know the brand better.
•    Customized designs
At last you need to choose the best and appropriate skin or them for your page in twitter. There are variety of themes and patterns available but it is important to choose the best one for your purpose. You can try using different enterprise works large canvas, which can help your own promotion.

Here are some useful extracts which can help you in upgrading your twitter profile.

Have you checked the Bio world cloud of your followers

Location word cloud of your followers

Who are the contacts mainly in your time line
Do analyze your twitter followers. Know what type of followers are highly useful for your twitter profile.

Check the location of your followers
Find some influencing twitter profile who follows back

Identify tweeting hours useful for your tweets.

Identify the social authority of your twitter followers.

What is the percentage of re-tweets achieved from your followers

What is the percentage of re-tweets with URLs by the followers

What is the main language of your followers

Check the total tweets made by your followers

Check how talkative are your followers

Check the age of your follower's twitter profile

Check the following counts of your followers

Analyze the followers counts of your followers

Research on following and followers ratio of your followers

Compare the gender dispersion of your followers

Bio world cloud of your followers
Analyze the location of your followers. If you are looking to build up your twitter profile especially optimizing to get more visibility, popularity & social authority in a particular Geo location, it is better to build your followers from that particular location. If you are looking for a global exposure there is no any necessary action to be taken as checking the locality of your twitter followers and your responding audience.
For example if you are trying to optimize your twitter profile with an intention of having more visibility in New York, you can just choose your location as New York. Do a research on trends coming in New York location & US. Find the powerful twitter profiles visible for New York.
Identify some profiles who always dominate for the hash for #NewYork in twitter hash tags. Try to get them as followers. It is not easy. But it is very easy if you can keenly watch their activities, find similar profiles to them, and get them as followers.

Build up a Responding Audience List
Getting a number twitter followers who are always responding to your tweets is a great achievement in twitter profile building. The social authority of the twitter profile is mainly measured in the unit that how many responses you have generated. So always try to get attention of responding twitter profilers. Regularly interact with them. Try understand their ways of tweets. Notice what type of tweets mostly retweeted, favorites, replied, embedded by the audience.